Cannes Parachute Club


Cannes Parachute Club was established in 1959 under the status of sports association under the Direction General of Civil Aviation (DGAC).

At that time and until the late 60s, it was possible to jump sporadically on the aerodrome of St. Cassian and the field of Fayence.

Sessions were also organized on the field of the Luc which was a reserve aerodrome within naval aviation.

From 1970, courses were offered on the center of Chalon sur Saone.

In 80-90s the association has grown significantly to become one of the leading clubs in the French Riviera.

Member of the Union of CEPCA (Skydiving Center School of Côte d’Azur), Association members have contributed greatly to the development of the platform of the Luc.

The head of the club is hosted in Cannes, 12 rue General Ferrie.

In the past the Cannes Parachute Club had a room where the members met at least once a week.

The evolution of volunteerism and generalization of communication tools, such as mobile phones and the Internet have led us to abandon the meetings in a room. All requested information is processed by phone or email. The members meet on the platform jumps.

The association today

The role of the association is to ensure the recruitment of new members, guide beginners and encourage them to persevere in practice by following and supporting their progress. See our news directly on the site.

The association is composed of one hundred members, depending on the year. Those perform around 2000 jumps per year.

Administratively Club issues licenses, research grants, manages the finances.

The Cannes Parachute Club is currently led by Jean-Pierre Roux.